ISSN: 2474-9230
Authors: Bahha S*, Lrhorfi N, Aouadi SE, Guennouni A, Abourak C, BelkouchiL, Allali N, Haddad SE, Chat L
This is a rare case of abscess secondary to chorioamniotitis, a complication rarely encountered in gynecological practice. A 19-year-old woman underwent a Caesarean section for chorioamnionitis, presenting with diffuse abdominal pain and fever a few days later. An abdominal and pelvic CT scan was performed, showing a hepatic collection in favor of an abscess, which was then managed by scanno-guided drainage in addition to antibiotherapy. The patient subsequently showed good clinical improvement. Pyogenic liver abscesses are uncommon and usually polymicrobial in nature, they are also a rare etiology of puerperal fever, and are often associated with non-specific symptoms. The prognosis for hepatic abscess remains somewhat bleak, with a mortality rate of 15% if the patient does not benefit from adequate diagnosis and prompt and effective treatment.
Keywords: Liver Abscess; Chorioamnionitis; Scanno-Guided Drainage; Case Report
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