Journal of Human Anatomy (JHUA)

ISSN: 2578-5079


Exploring the Anatomical and Clinical Perspectives of the Vertebra Prominens (C7)

Authors: Lalit M* , Piplani S and Piplani N

DOI: 10.23880/jhua-16000207


The vertebra prominens is unique for its palpable prominence at the dorsum of the neck that serves as a key landmark in both clinical examinations and surgical procedures. Anatomical and morphometric aspects of the vertebra prominens also play a very important role in degenerative, traumatic and neoplastic diseases of the cervical spine and also as a reference point in surgery. This e-book “Exploring the Anatomical and Clinical Perspectives of the Vertebra Prominens” provides an in-depth analysis of its morphological and morphometric components. Dry bone specimens were utilized to measure vertebra prominens’s key parameters, including body dimensions, pedicle, laminae, spinous process, and the diameters of the foramen transversarium and vertebral foramen. Morphological variations of vertebra prominens include differences in the shape, size and presence of the foramen transversarium, bifid or elongated spinous processes, and cervical ribs. Studies on its morphometry highlight variability in the body, foramen transversarium and pedicle dimensions, with implications for conditions such as thoracic outlet syndrome and cervical spine trauma. Ethnic variations have also been reported in these dimensions. Its transitional design reflects the evolutionary balance between stability and mobility in the cervical-thoracic junction. The knowledge of such variations is critical for planning surgical interventions, understanding neurovascular compression syndromes, and enhancing diagnostic precision in cervical spine imaging. These parameters of vertebra prominens(C7) with combined effects of axial computed tomography, provide valuable insights in correct estimation of spinal deformities and are of interest from anatomical, anthropological and medicolegal point of view.

Keywords: Lamina; Morphometry; Seventh Cervical Vertebra; Spine; Vertebra Prominens

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