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Ergonomics International Journal (EOIJ)

ISSN :2577-2953

Ergonomics International Journal is specifically designed platform for researchers around the world in the field of Ergonomics. Ergonomics is the study of how humans interact with man-made objects. Ergonomics publish peer reviewed open access articles related to humans and their environments, including, biomechanics, industrial and organizational psychology, mechanical engineering, cognitive psychology, industrial design, information design, kinesiology, physiology, industrial engineering, anthropometry and space psychology. We are glad to invite eminent authors to publish their valuable work in the form of Original Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, Perspectives, News, Short Communications, Proceedings, etc. related to Ergonomics.

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Research Article
Impact of Self-Esteem Training on Individuals with Disabilities Aged 17-30
Vaccaro M*, Bollo M, Aiello N, Macmillan K, Vaccaro P, Iona T, Fruci GM and Agnesone M

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