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Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ)

ISSN :2577-4379

Virology & Immunology Journal is an internationally peer reviewed journal that aims to provide comprehensive information on recent discoveries in the field of Virology & Immunology. Virology is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of viruses and viral diseases. Immunology is the branch of biomedicine concerned with the structure and function of the immune system. The journal pleased to accept original research papers, review articles, mini-reviews, opinions, short communication and editorials on all aspects of Virology & Immunology research.

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Mini Review
Mini Review
Hematological Cancer and Viral Infection
Hassan BAR*, Mohammed AH, Al-Qayyim MK, Al-Saadi FSA, Alsammarraie AZA, Alabboodi MK and Haidar Kadhim Al-Jawadi

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