Errata Retractions and Corrigenda Policy


An erratum refers to the correction of an error during the editing or production process in an article submitted by a journal. All changes made by the journal are communicated to the author during the correction phase, and all errors are detected by the author and corrected by the publisher before final publication.


Any revisions to the article that the author wants to publish at any point after acceptance are referred to as corrigenda. Authors should get in touch with the journal's editor, who will assess the change's effects and choose the best next steps.


A retraction is a statement that the article should not be considered part of the research literature. If there is clear evidence that the findings cannot be relied upon (perhaps due to misconduct or honest mistake) a decision to cancel will be made. It will be cancelled in the following cases:

1. The results of the research have been published elsewhere without any prior knowledge, permission or information.

2. In case the work is stolen

3. If the study publishes unbiased research.

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