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Neurology & Neurotherapy Open Access Journal (NNOAJ)

ISSN :2639-2178

Neurology & Neurotherapy Open Access is an internationally peer reviewed, open access journal that has been developed to covers the significant developments across the entire field of Neuroscience. The journal accepts manuscripts for consideration including original research papers, short communications, reviews, case reports, letters to the Editor, opinions and editorials from neurology-related fields that include neuromuscular diseases, demyelination, dementia, neoplasms, epilepsies, disturbances of consciousness, stroke and cerebral circulation, growth and development, plasticity and intermediary metabolism, molecular and cellular neuroscience, neurogenetics, development, plasticity and repair, systems neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, behavior, and neurobiology of disease.The main objective of the journal is to act as a forum for publication on discoveries in wide variety of drugs and therapies which are used in modern practice and fundamental understandings in neurological diseases. The journal accelerates the pace of research, discovery and innovation in various medical and clinical neurological treatment and therapies.

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Case Report
Covid-Induced Dystonia and Opsoclonus: A Case Report
Shea C*, Labbe J, Burgess H, Raedy C and Turner I

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