Special Issues Guidelines

Special issues contain collections of papers on a particular theme. They are handled by guest editors who are responsible for the selection of contributions to a special issue. A special issue allows a journal to publish papers focusing on unique content, often related to a “specific subject” in that particular field of research. Special Issues can result from an agreement reached between a prospective Guest Editor and the Editor in-Chief and/or the Editor of the journal.


  • Proposing a title for the special issue
  • Justification for why the Special Issue is needed
  • Explanation of why the issue is particularly suitable for journal, and how it corresponds with the journal’s focus and tradition
  • A proposed timeline for each stage of the process
  • A list of 50 scholars who may be interested in submitting to your special issue
  • Backgrounds of the proposed Guest Editors, including visibility on the topic in question, and editorial experience.

Roles of guest editor:

The role of the GE is important and they are generally responsible for the structure, contributions, quality, organizing the reviewing, providing an editorial, and seeing the issue through to publication, etc. Once approval for the Special Issue has been given Guest Editor undertakes the following:

  • Construction of the Call for Papers for the Special Issue
  • Distribution and publicity of the call for people
  • Receipt of submissions
  • Choice of Referees
  • Organization of reviews
  • Acceptance of papers/ Rejection of papers
  • Construction of the SI
  • Write the Editorial
  • Feedback to Referees
  • Progress Reporting
  • Editorial Review of SI

Submission Process

Papers should be submitted from the following link Click here. The authors should follow the instructions on the Web submission page.

  • Submission of a Special Issue proposal consists of writing a draft of a call for papers (for open Special Issues) which includes the scope of the Special Issue, relevant keywords, and a schedule for the publishing process
  • A single document, which must contain the main body, tables, figures, etc.,
  • Reference materials, if any.

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