Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

Volume 2 Issue 1

Research Article
Multiple Myeloma in Cameroon: Clinico-Biological Characteristics of Patients; an Experience from Douala General Hospital
Ngouadjeu Dongho TE*, Doualla MS, Tolefac PN, EnowOrock G, Oben DT, Bihnwi NR and Mbanya D
Research Article
The Role of Uric Acid in Carbohydrate Metabolism among Hypertensive Individuals
Papavasileiou MV, Patsianis S, Moustakas G, Vrakas CS, Kalogeropoulos P, Karamanou A* and Pittaras A
Research Article
Platelet Hyperaggregation and Morphological Changes By Electron Microscopy in Simulated Dive
Garci­a de Paoletti Diana N*, Espinosa , Mauvecin G, Paoletti E, Lagens R, Cabeza Mercket P, Garcia CW, Brandon J and Suarez Gonzalez Lissbett
Case Report
Fatal Case of Haemophagocytic Syndrome Associated With Infection of Plasmodium Falciparum
Shubhangi V Agale*, Manisha P Goel, Disha D Jalan and Grace F D'Costa
Case Report
Research Article
A Survey of Clinicians Practice Patterns in Anticoagulation Therapy & Prophylaxis in Nigeria
Raphael Anakwue, Theresa Nwagha*, Ogba Ukpab, Ndudim Obeka, Emmanuel Onwubuya, Uwa Onwuchekwa, Benjamin Azubuike and Innocent Okoye
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