Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

Volume 6 Issue 4

Conceptual Paper
Research Article
Sea Turtle Stranding Patterns in New York (2017-2020)
Sadiqah Quadery*, Tayeb Abu Jazar Shahir Bey and Allison DePerte
Review Article
Advancing Environmental Health and Justice: A Call for Assessment and Oversight of Healthcare Waste
Sampson N, Canate T, Dixon C, Dunlap K, Herzmark J, Jelks NO, Patel D, Persaud E, McLaughlin K, Okoh M*, Tallon L, Tsongas T, Wilson O, Omega and Wilson B
Research Article
Analysis of Mode of Access to Quality Public Water Supply in Jalingo Metropolis, Taraba State
Ezekiel BB*, Yushau AM, Nicodemus JB, James CN, Tijani A, and Usman EJ
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