Authors: Sigalo FB
Here we report on the flaring variable star AO Ser which was observed with the 0.4m SBIG optical telescope from Las Cumbres Obervatory Global Telescope Network remotely on 25/09/2022. The Spectrometric analysis was carried out with the SIMBAD Digital Sky Survey (DSS) menu from the VizieR GUI on the Aladin Software to obtain flux density, flare energy, flare wavelength and flare frequency. The light curve of AO Ser shows that the source has a strong presence of flares. Hence, we estimated the flare energy, flare wavelength and flare frequency of AO Ser at peak flares so as to deduce its spectral energy distribution. From the spectral energy distribution, the Aladin software automatically estimated the Flare Energy of AO Ser at(as) 1.09e − 2eV , the Flare flux density of AO Ser F (ν ) at 3.27e +1Jy and Flare Flux Energy of AO Ser F (λ ) at 7.55e −12erg −1cm− 2μm−1. We conclude that AO Ser is an eclipsing binary variable flaring stars that is losing mass in form of heat.
Keywords: Spectrometry; Flares; Flare Energy; Flux Frequency
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