Open Access Journal of Astronomy (OAJA)
ISSN: 2996-6701

Review Article

A Simplistic Approach to the Study of Two-Point Correlation Function in Galaxy Clusters

Authors: Qadri DA and Ganai PA

Volume: 2 , Issue: 2


We developed the functional form of the two-point correlation function under the approximation of fixed particle number density. We solved the quasi-linear partial differential equation (PDE) through the method of characteristics to obtain the parametric solution for the canonical ensemble. We attempted many functional forms and concluded that the functional form should be such that the two-point correlation function should go to zero as the value of system temperature increases or the separation between the galaxies becomes large. Also we studied the graphical behavior of the developed two-point correlation function for large values of temperature T and spatial separation r. The behavior of the two-point function was also studied from the temperature measurement of clusters in the red-shift range of 0.023-0.546.

Keywords: Galaxy Clusters; Two-Point Correlation Function; Red-Shift

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