Authors: Parui RK*
Neutron stars are among the densest, extreme, compact astrophysical objects in the universe. Discovery of Cosmic Baby , i.e. Swift J1818.0 – 1607 provides us three important information: i) existence of “Triaxial Star” is possible, (ii) new born magnetar exhibits its triaxiality as a triaxial magnetar, and (iii) characteristics of cosmic baby can be applicable to the sources that show magnetar-like activities. Recent simulation studies on merger of binary neutron star system hint that (a) merging of binary neutron star system can lead to a large amplification at magnetar level i.e. ~ 1016 G and (b) magnetar is formed prior to collision and stable magnetar within a time period of 100ms at post-merger scenario. It is suggested that formation of a triaxial magnetar is possible in binary neutron stars merger. Artificial intelligent based Intelligent Computing simulation provides us many unseen, unimaginable (but with realistic possibilities) scenarios in neutron star binary system. But scenarios of magnetar formation and it’s exhibition as triaxial magnetar in a binary neutron star merger are still remained as undetected. It is hopeful that intelligent computing will be capable to fulfill this in near future as well as to rethink about known facts of neutron star physics.
Keywords: Cosmic Baby; Binary Neutron Star; Triaxiality; Intelligent Computing
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