Variable Rates of Phosphorous Application Influenced Phenological Traits of Green Gram (Vignaradiata L.)
Imran1*, Zada H2, Naveed S3, Khattak I4 and Ahmad S5
The Influence of Far-Infrared Materials Added to Compost on the Yield of Maize
Lee MH and Chao YY*
CLA Isomer t10, c12 Induce Oxidation and Apoptosis in 3t3 Adipocyte Cells in a Similar Effect as Omega-3 Linolenic Acid and DHA
Meadus WJ*, Vahmani P, Duff P, Zantinge JL, Turner TD and Dugan MER*
Chlorophyll Biosynthetic Capacity and Xanthophyll Cycle of a White-Green Variegated Ficus microcarpa Cv. Milky Stripe
Shih TH1, Lee TC1, Huang MY2* and Yang CM1*
Morphological Characterization and Evaluation of Local Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Genotypes for Yield and Quality under Arecanut Based Cropping System
Hussain SMD*, Hegde L, Hegde NK, Shantappa T, Gurumurthy SB, Manju MJ and Shivakumar KM
The Functional State of Animals Blood under the Electromagnetic Radiation Influence at Millimeter Range
Avdeenko VS*, Krenitskiy AP, Avdeenko AV, Molchanov, Rykhlov AS and Kyzerjvenkov MA