Open Access Journal of Cancer & Oncology (OAJCO)

Volume 5 Issue 1

Research Article
Case Report
An Incidental Finding of Duodenal Carcinoid Tumor
Paravathaneni M *, Thota V , Nair J and Thirumaran R
Image Article
Metastases of the Cranial Vault with Giant Subcutaneous Masses of Breast Cancer
Imane M*, Touimi SH, Elkacemi H , Kebdani T, Elmajjaoui S and Benjaafar N
Mini Review
Total Body Irradiation in the Era of New Radiotherapy Techniques
Hassani W*, Saoudi A, Ferhane F, Alami Z, Boufaha T and Hassouni K
Case Report
Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumor: Clinical Case Report
Thomaz FM, Lobo JR, Gomes AOF, Lobato DSS, PeƧanha MAP, Buexm LA*
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