Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

Volume 6 Issue 4

Research Article
Wear Comparison of a Plain Toothbrush versus Eleven Commercial Toothbrushes
Fansiwala N*, Phan B, Tran D, Dunn K, Kang, Y, Cimmino J, Bairos T and Kugel G
Research Article
Use of 9.3μm CO2 Laser for Removal of Zirconia Restorations
Call G*, Kugel G, Jain S, Tran D, Dunn K and Papathanasiou A
Case Report
Restoring a Smile Post Covid-19 Associated Mucormycosis: A Case Report
Janardhan Garde, Aliya Khan, Sharayu Dhande*, Dhriti Garde and Sangeeta Muglikar
Research Article
Post-Endodontic Treatment Flare-Up of Patients Treated By General Dentists and Endodontic Specialists
Alzahrani MS*, Alzahrani AAH, Alhuwairini SM, Bushyah M, Alawadhi AM, Alghamdi SA, Korayem M and Alghamdi SG
Research Article
Case Report
Insect Bite Related Lip Swelling
Ashaya M*, Raghavendra K, Prasanna KR, Roopashri RK, Ujwala SS and Warrier S
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