ISSN: 2641-9165
Authors: Defersha AM and Golja DR*
This study had assessed a technical parameters selection used on CT scan for adult diagnosis doses in Tikur Anbesa and Yekatit 12 specialized hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Data on Head, Chest, Abdomen-Pelvic, Abdomen, Brain, HRCT-chest, L-Sacral, and PNS scan regions were collected from a sample of 132. It was analyzed through descriptive statistics on Microsoft Excel 2016. The results were presented in the table, pie chart, line graph, and histogram. The parameter, Eff.mAs, pitch, table feed, and rotation time have strong correlations with CTDIvol, r(132) =0.749, α = 0.00, r (132) = -0.794, α = 0.00, r (132) = -0.708 α = 0.00, and r (132)=0.723, α = 0.00 respectively. Eff. mAs and DLP deviate by far from mean whereas KV, Rotation time, pitch and ED were almost nearly equal. The effects of technical parameters on doses descriptors agree on the theoretical facts, but for different scan regions 120KV was used. The dose descriptors of this study were greater than the studies in other countries. The medical technologist should have selected the appropriate KV based on scan regions. Relevant authorities should monitor the radiation management implementation in CT scan medical imaging procedure in hospitals where CT scan machines are employed.
Keywords: CT scan; Technical Parameters Selection; Diagnosis Doses
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