Open Access Journal of Cardiology (OAJC)

ISSN: 2578-4633


Fluid Creep in ARDS after Shock Resuscitation of Trauma, Burns, Sepsis, and Acute Pancreatitis Patients: How Much, Where, and How to Find it?

Authors: Ahmed N M Ghanem* , Moussa L and Ghanem ANK

DOI: 10.23880/oajc-16000176


I peer-reviewed this article with great interest but was rejected by the editor. The retrospective study compares two fluid regimens in acute pancreatitis (AP) “resuscitation” or more accurately “management” and there is a difference. Two cohorts were created: aggressive IVF resuscitation (>3ml/kg/hr) and non-aggressive (≤ 1.5 ml/kg/hr) IVF resuscitation. The authors gave reference to the hospital length of stay (HLS), the onset of complications of acute kidney injury, sepsis, and mortality. The conclusion was: “No significant difference in mortality and HLS was identified between rates of IVF resuscitation, even in patients with severe pancreatitis.” This is a surprising negative conclusion, but why!? There are two possible explanations that will be discussed later.

Keywords: Trauma; Burns; Acute Pancreatitis

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