Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (OAJMB)

ISSN: 2576-7771

Research Article

Bioleaching - Eco-Friendly Approach for Management of Electronic Waste

Authors: Gunjal A*, Shastrakar A and Shinde R

DOI: 10.23880/oajmb-16000259


The different types of wastes viz., food, electronic, household, medical, etc. accumulate in large amount. The electronic waste is a serious problem which needs an urgent solution. The chemical process has disadvantages which is costly and causes soil and water pollution. Bioleaching using the microorganisms is a two-step process which can be used for the management of electronic wastes. The bioleaching is economical, eco-friendly and easy process in this. Bioleaching which is a biological process is very important. It is a sustainable approach. The metals leached during bioleaching can be used for making of precious jewellery and ornaments.

Keywords: Biological; Chemicals; Degradation; Environment; Fungi

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