ISSN: 2577-4328
Authors: Yassa HA
Background: Defensive medicine is the requesting for procedures, tests, referral and /or avoidance of high-risk patients with the aim that to minimize the malpractice liability. These tests or measures are done mainly as a safeguard and not for the benefit of patients. OTA (The Office of Technology Assessment) described the procedures done to the patients as they ordered to minimize the risk of malpractice and so not all action of defensive medicine are bad to patients. Defensive medicine can take either positive or negative forms, depending on the direction of deviation from typical practice. Negative DM involves withholding or avoiding high-risk treatments and diagnostic tests to avoid possible associated risks and poor outcomes that might lead to a malpractice suit. Conversely, positive type of DM is characterized by the do excessive, unnecessary diagnostic tests and interventions to decrease risk of being found negligent. The practice of defensive medicine DM is a significant financial burden on health care systems. In Egypt, Defensive medicine creeping rapidly, this may be due to the fear of doctors from being accused of malpractice, inflicting harm to the patient for not doing enough or decrease the patient satisfaction.
Keywords: Defensive Medicine; Malpractice; Office of Technology Assessment
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