Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250

Research Article

Time Management: An Effective Tool for the Survival of a Business Organization

Authors: Richard TB and Ayim Aboagye D*

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000326


The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of time management with a focus on effective tools for the survival of a business organization. Based on this, three specific objectives, three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated. Theoretical and empirical literature related to the study topic were extensively reviewed and survey research design was adopted by use of questionnaire for data collection. 560 employees which was the population of study were the survey respondents. Due to the small size of population, the entire population was used in the data analysis. The survey responses have been studiously analyzed and ascribed to the tenets of the theories. The methodology applied was the quantitative approach. Simple percentages were used to analyze research data while one way analysis of variance was used to test the null hypothesis. The study found that the overall regression model is statistically significant. The findings of the study show that the case study companies already implement time management in its daily routines. However, this is not adequately effective. The study, therefore establishes the fact that effective time management is an essential factor and a great tool that enables a business organizations manage its financial future and improve productivity.

Keywords: Organization Psychology; Time Management; Quality Service; Organizational Performance; Employees Productivity; Efficiency; Motivation

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