ISSN: 2642-6250
Authors: Mariane KM Oliveira*
Introduction: Transplantation is a surgical procedure in which occurs the replacement of a diseased organ by a healthy organ. Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice when clinical and surgical treatment alternatives are exhausted for patients affected with some liver pathology, it seeks a better quality of life. Among the professionals who work with these patients, nurses are important in this process, from outpatient follow-up before the procedure to postoperative liver transplantation. Objectives: To understand the role of nursing care in the postoperative period of liver transplantation. Methodology: na modalidade exploratória descritiva, através da revisão integrativa da literatura científica, para assim atingir os objetivos estabelecidos. Expected results: After the integrative review in full, we expect to achieve the proposed objectives of the research. Conclusion: With this work we expect to identify how is the performance of nursing care in the postoperative hospital liver transplantation.
Keywords: Health; Surgical Treatment; Nursing Care
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