ISSN: 2578-4846
Authors: Khalaf FH
A universal and multifunctional method for developing problematic oil and gas fields with low-permeability reservoirs is presented in this paper. The method is based on maintaining reservoir pressure and identifying the hydrogen formation mechanism. According to the analysis of previous laboratory experiments, the article summarizes the results of a computer simulation of a method for developing oil and gas fields with low permeable reservoirs using the commercial software product tNavigator from Rock Flow Dynamics. The proposed method results in multiple times more oil production per each studied well than its production using the depletion mode. Using CO2 in this manner results in additional, useful utilization, and laboratory experiments have indicated that saturated, unsaturated, and aromatic hydrogen are produced as by-products of CO2 injection. Moreover, the proposed method offers similar technological and technical solutions as those that have long been used in the oil and gas industry.
Keywords: Low Permeability; Pressure Maintenance; Depletion Mode; Oil Production; Hydraulic Fracturing
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