Cell & Cellular Life Sciences Journal (CCLSJ)

ISSN: 2578-4811


The Unctuous Unconformity-Pleomorphic Liposarcoma

Authors: Anubha B*

DOI: 10.23880/cclsj-16000178


Liposarcoma was initially scripted by Rudolph Virchow in 1857. Subsequently, Franz Michael Enzinger and Donald J Winslow described pleomorphic liposarcoma and diverse subtypes of liposarcoma in 1962. Epithelioid pleomorphic liposarcoma was pre-eminently denominated by Markku Miettinen and Franz Michael Enzinger in 1999. Pleomorphic liposarcoma represents as an exceptional, high grade, malignant neoplasm emerging from adipocytic tissues. Characteristically, the high grade pleomorphic liposarcoma is constituted of variably quantifiable pleomorphic lipoblasts with absent foci of well differentiated liposarcoma or diverse lineages of cellular differentiation. The neoplasm is devoid of areas which simulate atypical lipomatous tumour / well differentiated liposarcoma or diverse foci of mesenchymal differentiation.

Keywords: Pleomorphic Liposarcoma; Epithelioid Cells; Myxoid Liposarcoma; Ultrasonography

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