Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders (JOBD)

ISSN: 2577-297X

Case Report

Congenital Oblique Talus Spontaneous Reduction-Case Report

Authors: Hrdlik P and Al-Rabadi AS

DOI: 10.23880/jobd-16000236


Congenital oblique talus is a very rare condition which presents as an isolated deformity or in association with neuromuscular and/or genetic disorders. Pathoanatomically the deformity shows a dislocated talonavicular and subtalar joint. The ethiology and pathogenesis are still not finally determined, although in some cases a genetic basis has been identified. The clinical picture is that of a flat longitudinal arch. Clinical diagnosis is confirmed by plain radiographic imaging of anteroposterior and lateral views. Congenital oblique talus should not be confused with other deformities of the foot, such as congenital vertical talus, which with stress view X-Ray can be reduced. The object of treatment of congenital oblique talus is to restore a normal anatomical relationship between the talus, navicular bone and calcaneus. Good early results of modified non-operative treatment using serial manipulations, physiotherapy, special shoes or cast treatment may change therapeutic concepts.

Keywords: Congenital Oblique Talus; Foot Deformity; Physiotherapy and Treatment

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