ISSN: 2578-5001
Authors: Yusuf M*
This study asses the entrepreneurship awareness in physical and health education among physical and health education lecturers in tertiary institutions of Bauchi state. The population of this study comprised fifty (50) physical and health education lecturers in tertiary institutions in Bauchi state. Purposive sampling technique was to select only tertiary institutions with physical snd health education departments (Aminu Saleh college of education Azare, Adamu Tafawa Balewa college of education Kangere and the college of health technology Nengi). The availability of sampling technique was use to select fifty (50) respondents from purposively selected tertiary institutions with physical and health education departments as the sample size of the study. The descriptive design of the survey type was adopted for this study. The self-developed questionnaire named” assessment of the awareness of entrepreneurship in physical and health education Questionnaire (AAPHQ) was used to collect data for the study. The instruments were validated by three experts in physical and health education field. A reliability of 0.70 was obtained using the split half method from ten (10) physical and health education lecturers in Saadatu Rimi college of education, Kano sate, and the data collected was subjected to a statistical test using spearman brown’s prophecy formula Frequency count and percentage were used to describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis at a 0.05 alpha level. The result of the study indicated that lecturers in tertiary institutions in Bauchi state do not have entrepreneurship awareness in health education. It was recommended that entrepreneurship should be incorporated into the department of physical and health education curriculum to prepare the students with entrepreneurship skills in physical and health education.
Keywords: Assessment; Awareness; Entrepreneurship; Physical and Health Education; Lecturers
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