Neurology & Neurotherapy Open Access Journal (NNOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2178

Research Article

Role of Irvingia gabonensis Seed Extract in Streptozotocin- Induced Hyperglycemia Memory Deficit in Rodents

Authors: Uchewa OO*, Okpara FC, Abraham JC and Ibegbu OA

DOI: 10.23880/nnoaj-16000176


The study evaluated the role of Irvingia gabonensis as an antidote for memory loss in streptozotocin (STZ) hyperglycemia. Forty-two rats were grouped into six groups of seven rats. A single dose of STZ (60mg/kg) given intraperitoneally was used to induce hyperglycemia and confirmed after 72 hours with over 200mg/dL of fasting blood glucose. Three doses of extract (100, 200, and 300mg/kg) were used to treat groups C, D, and E, while F received 500mg/kg of the standard drug (metformin). Spatial memory was evaluated using Morris Water Maze, while blood was used to estimate biomarkers. The result showed that hyperglycemia significantly reduced memory with decreased latency compared to control (β) in both the acquisition and reversal memory phases (p≤0.05). The extract improved memory in C, D, and E compared to B (ϒ) and in the standard drug (α) at p≤0.05. Group A showed distinct hippocampal layers with CA 1-4 vital for spatial memory, while group B showed cell vacuolations and hypertrophied neurons with large nuclei. Groups C, D, E, and F showed healthier cells than B. A significant reduction was observed in GST, GOT, and GPX in B compared to the treated groups ((P≤0.05). In conclusion, Irvingia gabonensis seed extract may ameliorate hippocampal alterations and improve learning and memory.

Keywords: Diabetes; Hippocampus; Irvingia gabonensis; Memory; Streptozotocin; Wistar Rats

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