ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Singh S , Sharma S , Srivastava AK and Sharma KK
Hypothyroidism (also known as underactive, low thyroid). It is a disorder of absolute or relative deficiency of thyroid hormone due to dysfunction of thyroid gland or Pituitary gland. It is one of the most prevalent disorders affecting 2-5% of global population which is more prevalent among females. Due to modernization of the society, irregular food habits and stressful lifestyles leading to many metabolic conditions. In Ayurveda metabolism can be co-related with functions of Agni which are transformation and assimilation of substrate. The balanced state of Agni (enzymatic activity) Tridoshas (bodily humours) Dhatu and Mala together helps in orderly functioning and Samavastha of human body. If any one of them got disturbed it leads to diseased condition. In Hypothyroidism there is dysfunctioning of Jatharagni and Dhatwagni along with dysfunctioning of Kapha and Vata Dosha as well as Rasavaha, Raktavaha, Sukravaha and Manovaha Srotases. Dosha Dushyasamoorchhana in various Dhatus resulting is the systemic manifestation of the disease. If we look through modern eye there is only hormonal replacement treatment continuous medication make the patient drug dependent till the end of mortal life and has many side effects. So, there is a need of replacement of modern drug by a safe and effective alternative in Ayurveda. Thus, the line of management should be Deepana, Pachana Srotoshodhana and Kapha Vata Shamana
Keywords: Hypothyroidism; Agni; Jatharagni; Dhatwagni; Tridoshas; Dhatu; Mala
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