Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986

Review Article

Gulma Roga

Authors: Puri B*

DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000400


Gulma is diseases entity which is caused due to aggravation and encapsulation of Vata Dosha (Kupita Anila Moodhatwa), which does not give clue about its site of origin (Goodha Gulmodhaya) which spreads widely like shrubs (Gulmavat Vishaltwat). It covers various gastro-intestinal and gynecological diseases, but its diagnosis becomes difficult, due to its complex clinical presentation. Hence, it's essential to understand gulma in a comprehensive way for accurate and easy diagnosis. gulma is Vata pradhana Udara Vikara, any type of gulma cannot deny without vayu. It is merely compared with abdominal lump with different names like Cysts, Tumours, Herniation, Fibroid, Inflammed condition, Abscess etc. Any type of pain with palpable mass which occur in any quadrant of abdomen may create a suspicion of gulma. Various types mentioned by Various Acharyas (Vataj, Pittaja Kaphaja, Sannipataja &Raktaja). Here, Rakta gulma is mentioned by some Acharyas which is a diseases having accumulation of only blood within the uterus, in the women of active reproductive age, having normal menstruation. In this article Nidana, Purvarupa, Lakshen, Samprapti, Sites, Types, Stages and Management of gulma has been reviewed along with gulma nashaka yogas.

Keywords: Gulma; Abdominal Lump; Charaka Samhita; Rakta Gulma; Pregnancy

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