ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Goswami DK
Water, the unavoidable substance for each and every object of the nature, has been counted as sacred and respectable since time immemorial. Water is needed for making the soil fertile, growth of the plants, drinking for the animals and humans, external cleaning purposes of the human, animal etc., cleaning of the dress , utensil etc. of the human beings etc. If observed, it is seen that, water is used in huge quantity by the human itself. In each step a man needs water. Summarily to say, for a man it is almost impossible to live without water even for a hour. Hence it is occupying an important place in the literatures also. Many descriptions are available in the Indian literatures showing the importance of water. Water, along with its usefulness also may cause some sufferings to the human beings, animals etc. A good number of diseases are identified by the researchers that are transported by water when it becomes contaminated. Difference in the qualities of water according to different source is also an important point to be noted. Extensive study and research are already conducted and continuing in different levels to know more about the mysterious nature’s gift “water”. The present scientific society is aware about the latest knowledge on water. But astonishingly there are some interesting facts and concepts about water in the classics of ancient Indian health science, Charaka Samhita, Susruta Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, Ashtanga Hridaya etc. which should be apprised to the modern scientists and researchers. Hence, considering as the need of time, a study on the descriptions on water in one among the Ayurvedic classics, Charaka Samhita, which is considered to be the oldest is conducted.
Keywords: Water; Importance of Water; Nature’s Gift; Ayurvedic Classics
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