ISSN: 2577-4050
Authors: Turisno BE*, Mahmudah S, Ganggasanti Dewi IGA, Soemarmi A
Coral reefs have economic benefits economic, ecological, and socio-cultural benefits, providing vital climate change mitigation and adaptation ecosystem services that require conservation efforts but are increasingly under threat. The strategy for managing coral reef ecosystems, among others, is prepared by taking into account the sustainability of the ecosystem and considering the wise values of the local community. using secondary data the study aims to identify and explain local wisdom in maintaining the conservation of coral reef ecosystems and sustainable coastal planning whose results can help local governments, and communities in the development of coral reef tourism as well as helping to provide a frame of reference for policymakers to consider in coral reef conservation in Sabu Raijua district, part of the Savu Sea Marine National Park area Local Wisdom in maintaining the conservation of coral reef ecosystems includes Ruju Peluru, Kati Dana, Kowa Hole, Panadahi. Local Wisdom Kowa Hole and Panadahi are in active status. Revitalization efforts are necessary to revive local content based on culture and policies that involve the community in a participatory manner so that the implementation process for coral reef ecosystem preservation can grow and develop again in the pattern of community life, especially in the Savu Sea Marine National Park area
Keywords: Local Wisdom; Sabu Raijua; Conservation; Coral Reefs
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