ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Kudekar DY*, Chetti SO, Prabhavale SS, Kudale AS, Chougale DS and Ghumatkar SV
Narcotic drug with addition of neutral substances is common practice in India. Paracetamol, phenacetin and lignocaine are commonly used for addition in narcotic drugs like heroin and cocaine. Dimethyl sulfone is a neutral substance used in methamphetamine hydrochloride. Methamphetamine is a stimulant popular in the illicit drug market known as ice drug. The pure crystalline Methamphetamine and Dimethyl sulfone easily detected and identified by Raman spectroscopy. However, mixed Raman spectra was obtained from powdered sample. The identification of methamphetamine in Raman Spectra, was done by dissolving methamphetamine hydrochloride dissolving in methanol and precipitated in ether, dimethyl sulfone remains in methanol -ether mixture. Raman spectra of precipitated drugs confirm the methamphetamine. Solubility differences in the two solvents made separation easy and Raman spectroscopy confirms the presence of methamphetamine hydrochloride and dimethyl sulfone.
Keywords: Neutral substances; Narcotic Drugs; Adulterant; Methamphetamine; Dimethyl sulfone; Solubility; Raman Spectra
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