Clinical Radiology and Imaging Journal (CRIJ)
ISSN: 2640-2343
Review Article
The Placenta: Anatomy, Pathophysiology, Pathological and
Ultrasonograpic Findings
Introduction: The placenta is an organ that connects the developing fetus to the mother to serve the major purpose of respiration, excretion and nutrition for the fetus. It is very important for the proper development of the embryo, cushions it from mechanical shocks a major role in assisting the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. A thorough examination of the placenta plays an important role in providing significant clinical information that may affect the welfare of the fetus and the mother but sadly, it is less evaluated during routine obstetric ultrasound scan.
Objective: This study discussed in simplified details, the developmental anatomy of the placenta, related ultrasonography of the appearance of the typical placenta which provides necessary clinical information and help. predict adverse fetal outcomes. Also discussed were some pathological findings that can be seen in routine ultrasound scan with the hematological complications of placenta previa as a focus.
Methodology: The research was designed from search engines with reference to valid studies from academic sources including ResearchGate, PubMed and Google Scholar. We also evaluated various related titles, abstracts and full reports for eligibility.
Conclusion: The placenta is a very important organ in the development of the fetus but easily overlooked during routine ultrasound and a proper check of the health can avert morbidity and mortality of the fetus.
Keywords: Placenta; Gestation; Ultrasound; Trimester; Pathology; Placenta Previa
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