Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Mini Review

Occlusal Splint for the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders

Authors: Mbédé NMR, Zing S, Tamoh FS*, Akono ANG, Edjimbi OLS and Bengondo MC

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000374


Introduction: Occlusal splints are intraoral appliances used for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. There is wide variety of occlusal splints according to their size, their form, the material they are made of, and their actions. Their efficacy varies from one type to another according to the initial diagnosis. However, the occlusal splints have an undoubtable favourable therapeutic effect in the management of temporomandibular disorders when used properly, unless this one is limited. Objectives: To provide an understanding of various aspects of splint therapy and update the practicians about their proper use. Materials and Methods: Reviews articles, systematic reviews, original research published in various electronic database such as Pubmed, Google scholar, and Cross reference were examined and the informations provided were analysed and resumed. Result and Conclusion: This review presents the occlusal splints in their different aspects such as their functions and how they work, their types, their uses, and the general considerations on how to ensure their proper design.

Keywords: Disorder; Interference; Occlusal; Splint; Temporomandibular

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