ISSN: 2576-4772
Ayurveda is considered as one of the oldest Systems of Medicine (TSMs) originating from India based on Tridoshic theory; the three doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha. Ayurveda’s unique, humane, personalized, and holistic approach considers whole body, mind, and aatma (the entity that keeps the body and organs alive- soul/spirit) along with their relationships with nature. Ayurveda aims for the methodical and skillfully administered treatment plan, “Shuddha Chikitsa- Chikitsa=treatment, Shuddha=clean, unadulterated, pure, safe treatment planned for progressive healing with utmost caution to avoid ‘harming’, to keep away from generating a new disease or complication during or after treatment” and considers rejuvenation and immunity modulating treatment modalities described as “Apunarbhav Chikitsa- Chikitsa=treatment, Apunarbhav=a-no, punah=again, bhava=manifest,” for the prevention of recurrence of the same cured disease. Ayurvedic Management of Herpes Zoster Affecting Trigeminal Nerve viral infection is observed quicker on recovery, cost effective, rejuvenating, freeing from complications, and free of drug induced adverse-side-effects. Herpes Zoster affecting trigeminal nerves - Orofacial herpes zoster (shingles), is an acute viral disease affecting the trigeminal nerve (CNV) and the skin around the nerve course. Due to the resemblance in presentation, Ayurvedically, it is considered as one type of Visarpa-Vata-Pittaja-Visarpa or Agneya Visarpa. It is essential to acknowledge the real time efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment when the client (patient) requested the Ayurvedic treatment plan with only herbs, and conducive food, lifestyle and with a “no” to “metallic bhasma-Rasaushadhee”* (“Rasaaushadi-a special aspect of ayurvedic pharmacology-bhasma-scientific method to process metals for therapeutic administration”)* and a “no” to any method of ‘bloodletting’. This may open up a new avenue for the Ayurvedic practice outside of India, and mainly within those countries where Ayurvedic formulations that include the metallic ingredients in any form, or leech therapy are not permissible within the scope of Ayurvedic Wellness Practice. Ayurvedic permissible protocols applied in this case include the cleansing modalities, dosha balancing herbs, local applications, food, and lifestyle interventions.
Keywords: Ayurveda; Ayurved; Herpes Zoster; Shingles; Herbs; Mudga; Vata Pittaja Visarpa; Agni Visarpa, Sariva; Triphala; Food
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