Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal (PPRIJ)

ISSN: 2576-0319


Doctor Eduardo Bernabé Ordaz: An Exemplary Father for Cuban Psychologists

Authors: Becerra JD*

DOI: 10.23880/pprij-16000352


There are figures that the passage of time is blurring from the memory archive of peoples. Others, on the contrary, take root with such force that they remain registered forever in the poetic memory of humanity». That is the case of Dr. Eduardo Bernabé Ordaz Ducungé (1921-2006), described by professor and senior researcher Raúl Fuillerat Alfonso (1950-2015) as the «intellectual and spiritual father of island psychologists» This chronicle evokes the sacred memory of the founding director of the Havana Psychiatric Hospital, on the occasion of Parents’ Day, in the year of the 101st anniversary of his birth.

Keywords: Intellectual and Spiritual Father of Island Psychologists; First Internal Conference on Psychology

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