Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)
ISSN: 2574-7800
Research Article
A Prospective Prescription Audit of Topical Corticosteroid usage
at Skin OPD in a Tertiary Care Centre
Introduction: Topical corticosteroids are used for various conditions in dermatology like vitiligo, eczema and psoriasis. They should be used rationally to minimize the side effects. The present study is done to document and improve the pattern of prescribing topical steroids among patients attending Skin OPD at tertiary care centre.
Material & Methods: The study was a prospective audit of 100 prescriptions issued to the patients in skin OPD. The data was collected for age and sex of patients, dermatosis for which it is prescribed, number and molecule of drugs, with its dose, site, duration, strength, quantity and frequency of administration. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis.
Results: Present study is an audit of 100 prescriptions. Sixty two patients were males and 49% were in 13-40 years of age group. Most common skin condition for which topical steroid prescribed was eczema in 34%. Average 3-6 drugs were prescribed in majority (82%) of prescriptions. The potent corticosteroids was the most frequently prescribed group in 46% prescriptions and most common molecule prescribed was betamethasone valerate in 27%. In 73% prescriptions twice daily application was advised. Maximum 50% prescriptions of TCS were for 7-15 days and site of application was mentioned in 70%. Generic and brand names were mentioned in all prescriptions with quantity of drug. Fingertip unit application was mentioned in 3% of prescriptions.
Conclusion: The most common indication for prescribing topical steroids was eczema and the most common molecule prescribed was betamethasone valerate. Generic and brand names for drugs were used in all prescription, but advice about Finger tip method application was not a routine practice.
Keywords: Corticosteroids; Prescription; Audit; Dermatology
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