Anthropology and Ethnology Open Access Journal (AEOAJ)

ISSN: 2639-2119

Review Article

The Travesti (Travesti (Transvestite)) Body in the Anthropocene Cultural Intersections

Authors: dos Anjos Neto JD

DOI: 10.23880/aeoaj-16000213


When we consider it as a cultural element, the body assumes a myriad of new social and political meanings in contemporary times. The progressive destruction of the planet, the deep inequalities and the complex class relations are inscribed in the body, by the body and with the body. We see these intersections in an especially relevant way when we consider the existence of travesti (Travesti (Transvestite)) s, people aligned with the feminine whose body exists at the border of the cultural constructions of sex and gender, and more specifically travesti (Transvestite) sex workers in Brazil. It is intended to theoretically elaborate some of the ramifications of this chaotic scenario and its links with the cultural production of the body, with emphasis on the travesti (Transvestite) body. For this, we will articulate the cyborg theory, by Haraway (2009); of rubble and contamination, by Tsing (2019) and the ethnography of Anjos Neto (2019).

Keywords: Travesti; Anthropocene; Body

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