Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Case Report

Generalized Eczematous Eruption after Secukinumab Treatment Successfully Treated with Dupilumab and Guselkumab

Authors: Maffei V , Talamonti M , Bianchi L and Galluzzo M

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000307


A 68-year-old woman with chronic plaque psoriasis for 37 years was seen in June 2021. The patient was under secukinumab treatment and showed generalized exfoliative dermatitis with severe itch. Many authors reports that some biological drugs can induce chronic inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, especially anti-IL17 drugs. Consequently, we decided to stop secukinumab treatment and to start dupilumab. After six weeks of dupilumab treatment, guselkumab was added to manage the psoriatic disease. At one month of combinate therapy, the patient reported significant improvement of various parameters such as PASI, EASI, NRS itch, NRS sleep, and DLQI. Currently, the patient is receiving only treated with guselkumab 100 mg every 8 weeks, maintaining complete recovery from the disease

Keywords: Eczematous Eruption; Psoriasis; Dupilumab; Anti-IL-17; Guselkumab; Paradoxal Recation; Drug Reaction

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