Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Case Report

Palmar Tinea nigra Non-Invasive Diagnosis with Dermoscopy, Reflectance Confocal Microscopy and Microbiology

Authors: Fernandes KAP , Loss J , Azevedo FS and Pires AL

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000308


Tinea nigra is an uncommon superficial mycosis caused by the darkly pigmented fungus Hortaea werneckii. which occurs mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. Clinically, it is characterized by a brown-to-black asymptomatic macule, with welldefined edges, most commonly affecting the palms and soles. We report a case of palmar Tinea nigra and the features found on dermoscopy, reflectance confocal microscopy and microbiology. It is important to recognize this disease early for proper treatment and to distinguish it from other melanocytic lesions with worse prognoses, such as melanoma

Keywords: Tinea nigra; Malignant Melanoma; Hyperchromic; Palmoplantar

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