International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Review Article

<p>A Short Review: Importance of Rosemarinus Officinalis as a Living Library for the Discovery of Human Topo Poisons</p>



The clinical efficacy of the current anticancer agents that are being in use was reduced due to reappearance of carcinoma and severe adverse effects of chemotherapy agents. Hence there is a need to discover novel anticancer molecules which is possible from nature only. The dual topo drugging is an important phenonomena in the cancer treatment. Even though many synthetic drugs as topo- poisons have been developed and used in the clinical trials, but having many challenges and are not successful due to cancer resistance. Now days, Rosemarinus officinalis belongs to the family lamiaceae got recognized globally for its potent anticancer properties. Traditionally this plant is useful in treatment of many aliments like antiseptic, woundhealing , carminative and as brain tonic , hence the researchers focused this plant for anticancer and memory enhancing capabilities . This herb is reported for its important secondary metabolite known as rosmarinic acid .However this medicinal herb is not explored phytochemically and the molecular mechanism of its potent anticancer property is still under progress. As the entire pharmaceutical industries are looking for potent dual new human topoisomerase inhibitors, this herb may be an extensive source for discovery of topopoison drugs or leads. Hence an extensive research is under progress from our team on this herb. The current short review highlights the phytochemical importance of Rosemarinus officinalis in treating cancer.

Keywords: <p>Rosemarinus officinalis; Anticancer; Discovery of Topopoisons</p>

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