Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Research Article

Potency of Acid Content in Local and Imported Strawberry Fruit Extract (Fragaria X Ananassa) as Natural Ingredients for Teeth Whitening

Authors: Dewiyani S*, Widyastuti R and Rosanti N

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000377


Background: Bleaching treatment is a whitening treatment for discolored teeth to restore their aesthetic function. The bleaching agent that is commonly used is 35% carbamide peroxide. Strawberries contain malic acid which can whiten teeth. Purpose: This study aims to find out acid potential on strawberries as a natural ingredient for teeth whitening. Methods: 48 post-extraction permanent single-rooted teeth that had been coated with clear nail polish were soaked in black coffee for 2 days, then 16 teeth were immersed in a local strawberry extract solution, 16 teeth were immersed in an imported strawberry extract solution and the other 16 teeth were immersed in a 35% carbamide peroxide gel solution and then observed and measured the color of the teeth after immersion at 24 hours and 48 hours. Results: There is potential for local and imported strawberry fruit extract in whitening teeth but the whitening potential when compared to carbamide peroxide is not significant (p>0.05). The whitening potential of imported strawberry juice is higher than that of local strawberry juice based on the average value. Conclusion: Based on research results, local and imported strawberry juice extracts have the potential to whiten discolored teeth.

Keywords: Whitening Treatment; Strawberries

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