ISSN: 2574-2701
Authors: Abena T* , Tadesse T and Tilahun A
Nowadays, mushroom is popular valuable food worldwide because it contain many essential amino acids and are thus good sources of protein, some unsaturated fatty acids; provide several vitamins (B vitamins, and vitamin D) as well as the minerals potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Mushrooms can be used as medicine for compromised health and its crude extract products mainly can be used as dietary supplements (nutriceuticals). As they use agricultural waste as substrate for their growth and biosynthesize, they reduce crop residue that cause environmental pollution and heath problem. The fungal/mushroom mycelia involved in bioremediation process and this is referred as mycoremediation. Thus, in general this review defines mushroom, give its historic background, and shows the different types of mushrooms, application in different disciplines like medical, environmental and bioremediation. And also this review describes different medium of mushroom, spawn running and types of fermentation used. Specifically, it also discusses the mushroom diversity in Ethiopia, utilization of wild edible mushroom as well as it discusses the attempts made to cultivate mushroom and the challenges have been faced the business In Ethiopia.
Keywords: Mushroom; Cultivation; Benefits; Diversity
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