Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal (PPRIJ)

ISSN: 2576-0319

Research Article

The Lived Experiences of College Students Overcoming Colorism: Perspectives from the Midwest

Authors: Lewis RK* and Bey A#

DOI: 10.23880/pprij-16000362


Colorism is a global phenomenon that has disenfranchised people of color, even from the most privileged backgrounds, for over a century. Skin complexion discrimination is an important factor to consider when examining the experiences of Blacks in America. The purpose of this study was to examine the lived experiences of college students and the impact that colorism has had on them. The study was conducted at a midsized university in the Midwest. A total of five focus groups were conducted, and a brief survey was given to undergraduate participants (N = 14), ages 18 – 25, in order to gather information about participants’ experiences throughout their lifetime regarding skin complexion (Colorism not racism). The survey assessed self-perception of skin complexion, satisfaction level with skin complexion, and life satisfaction. The findings revealed five major themes: Gender matters, mate selection bias, family dynamics, media, and resilience. Limitations and future research will be discussed.

Keywords: Colorism; Skin Tone Bias; Critical Race Theory; African American College Students

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