ISSN: 2577-297X
Authors: Hassan Mubark*
Chronic Achilles tendinosis with or without tendon tear is a common form of tendon degenerative pathology that is hard to treat with traditional approaches including oral anti-inflammatory medicine, physical therapy, and shock-wave treatment. corticosteroid injection could lead to tendon rupture, thus if conservative management fails then surgery is a last resort. This article presents a middle-female, who suffered Achilles tendinopathy symptoms for over 20 years, affecting her daily activity and sports life. She had tendon nodule clinically. Ultrasound scan (USS) showed diffuse thickening of the Achilles tendon at the mid-portion of the maximal sagittal diameter of 10 mm without a tendon tear. She failed conservative management, physiotherapy, and shock wave therapy. She elected for a single trial of investigational USS-guided platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. She improved gradually by returning to completely normal daily activities and running/sprinting after one year of PRP therapy. Her tendon nodule resolved clinically, and a repeat USS showed reduced diffuse thickening of the Achilles tendon at the midportion of the maximal sagittal diameter down to 7mm suggestive of the healing process. Thanks to the regenerative restoration power of the growth factors and signalling proteins in platelets that stimulate the internal mesenchymal stem cells to promote the healing process. We recommend a comprehensive randomized control trial to approve those findings and standardization of the PRP technique, trusting regenerative medicine to develop as a mainstream therapy in several musculoskeletal pathologies, particularly in degenerative conditions and resistant injuries.
Keywords: PRP; Growth Factors; Achilles Tendinosis; Injections
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