International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Research Article

Preparation Physicochemical Evaluation and Characterization of Tamra Bhasma


Background: Bhasmas is an ancient nanomedicine prepared with herbs and minerals or metals and can be used for curing various diseases and disorders. Bhasma a herbomineral preparation called as Tamra Bhasma prepared from metallic copper which is recommended for various ailments. The Tamra Bhasma was prepared by various processes by sodhana, marana and bhavana. Aim: The aim of the research work was to prepare Tamra Bhasma by subjecting to various methods of preparation such as Sodhana, purification, Marana, incineration and Bhavana, levigation. Tamra Bhasma was prepared by using Electric Muffle Furnace and traditional method varaputa method. Methods: The Bhasma was prepared by Samayana sodhana by incorporation of Tila taila, Takra, Gomutra, Kanji and Kulatha Kwatha. The prepared Bhasma was subjected to quality control and evaluation studies such as ash values, acid insoluble ash value and water-soluble ash value, extractive values, colour, odour, taste, appearance, floating test, finger print analysis, curd test, etc. Results: The prepared Bhasma was subjected to characterizations which include Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and (SEM) was performed for the Bhasma and Scanning Electron Microscope was used to determine the size and shape of Bhasma. Conclusion: The ancient methods can be used to prepare these precious formulations and these predominant formulations can be preserved in future.

Keywords: Bhavana; Marana; Sodhana; Tamra Bhasma; Varaputa

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