Open Access Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Medicine (OAJKSM)

ISSN: 2995-0155

Research Article

Interpersonal Communication Message Types: Ranking of Importance by Kinesiology Undergraduates

Authors: Whaley BB and Lattimore DL*

DOI: 10.23880/oajksm-16000103


Effective practitioner-patient communication is important for the physical and psychological aspects of sport injury and recovery. Research indicates that patients desire better communication with health care providers. Although interpersonal communication message types play an essential part in provider-patient interaction, undergraduate kinesiology students are not privy to the literature or trained in the design of the messages inherent and essential to their future professions (e.g., physical therapy & athletic training). The purpose of this study was to assess the perceived importance of interpersonal message types for health care providers in a sample of undergraduate kinesiology students (n=153). Participants rankedordered nine foundational interpersonal message types, and message rankings were fairly consistent across participant year and sex. Results indicate that instructions and explaining illness dominated the rankings.

Keywords: Interaction; Explanation; Education

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