ISSN: 2995-0155
Body composition is a key component of health-related fitness. Dual Energy Absorptiometry (DEXA) is the most reliable technique to evaluate body composition. There is evidence suggesting that obesity is linked to foot disorders leading to & an increase in the risk of falls and injuries. Pedobarography is a fast, simple, non-invasive and reliable method used to measure plantar foot pressure. Studies on the association of body composition using DEXA with the static standing plantar pressure are limited. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to measure the association of fat percentage, Body mass index, type of obesity, fat mass and bone mineral content (BMC) with foot pressure. Methods: 64 young adults participated in this study including 34 females and 30 males with a mean age of 21.7±2.6 years. DEXA and Pedobarography were used for evaluation. Results: It was found that with the increase in every 1% in fat percentage, BMI, android type obesity the forefoot pressure increases by 1.070% (p-value 0.06), 1.079% (p-value 0.07) and 1.106% (p-value 0.25). Gynoid type obesity has an inverse relationship with forefoot pressure. With every 1% decrease in the gynoid type obesity value the forefoot pressure increases by 0.971% (p-value 0.97). Also, 39 out of 64 (60%) subjects with higher fat mass and 34 out of 64 (53%) subjects with greater bone mineral density (BMD) on one side had foot pressure dominance on the same side with p-value >0.05. Conclusion: This study concludes that body composition parameters variably affect the foot pressure in static standing.
Keywords: Dexa; Pedobarography; Fat %; Body Composition; Plantar Foot Pressure
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