Bioequivalence & Bioavailability International Journal (BEBA)

ISSN: 2578-4803

Mini Review

Insights on Prospects of Prediction of Drug Bioavailability from in Vitro Models

Authors: Igbinoba SI and Onyeji CO*

DOI: 10.23880/beba-16000210


The various pharmacopoeias contain descriptions of different dissolution media but these are however not predictive of bioavailability. To solve this problem, biorelevant media and different models have been developed as alternatives. The aim of this report was to highlight some of the biorelevant media and appraise their relevance to predict in vivo drug performance. It was apparent that the biorelevant media reflect contents of the gastrointestinal fluids better than the pharmacopoeial media. Also, bio-relevant dissolution methods, combined with permeability measurements and other models along with computational simulations have been used to predict the oral absorption of drug. Prediction of bioavailability from in vitro data involves the establishment of an in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) between an in vitro measurement such as dissolution rate data and the in vivo performance of the drug formulation such as the bioavailability parameters.

Keywords: Biorelevant Media; In vitro-in Vivo Correlation; Bioavailability

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