Open Access Journal of Veterinary Science & Research (OAJVSR)

ISSN: 2474-9222

Case Report

Varicose Ulcer in Canine Pelvic Limb: Homeopathic Attitude

Authors: Barbosa MLS

DOI: 10.23880/oajvsr-16000246


Although frequent in humans and their historical references are older than those of arterial diseases, in veterinary medicine varicose veins are rarely diagnosed. Descriptively, this article presents a case report of a senile female dog (thirteen years old), with knotty tortuosity in the medial part of the pelvic limbs, licking dermatitis, pruritus and respiratory difficulty. After administration of Phosphorus 200 cH, orally in a single dose, the pruritus, licking and erythema ceased. There was improvement in the respiratory condition. The patient exonerated, evolving to varicose ulcer after medication.

Keywords: Dogs; Homeopathy; Phosphorus; Senile; Varicose Veins; Veins

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