Open Access Journal of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (OAJDA)

ISSN: 2996-671X


Using ChatGPT for Insurance: Current and Prospective Roles

Authors: Biswas S*

DOI: 10.23880/oajda-16000102


ChatGPT is a conversational Artificial Intelligence model developed by Open AI that is making the headlines currently. It is considered to be a game-changer in the fields of research, authorship, computer programming, and many other fields. We discuss how ChatGPT can be used in the medical insurance industry. The author acknowledges asking chatGPT questions regarding its uses for patient care. Some of the uses that it states are possible now and some are potentials for the future. The author has analyzed and edited the replies of chat GPT.

Keywords: ChatGPT; Insurance; Artificial Intelligence

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